Interviewer: Can we meet you sir? 

 Bro Akomolafe Johnson: Okay. I'm Akomolafe Temitope Johnson. I'm from Ekiti state but based in Lagos State and currently schooling at one of the most sort university in Nigeria, University of Ilorin. From the best department of marketing. I'm a free guy, hardworking and inquisitive to learning.

Interviewer: What course did you choose initially?

  Bro Akomolafe Johnson: I chose Marketing in university of Ilorin because that was what I studied during my National Diploma days at Kwara State Polytechnic. Initially, I chose Business administration in Kwara state polytechnic, but I was offered marketing and I had no choice than to follow suit.

Interviewer: Would you mind sharing your admission story with us? Was it your first Jamb and how did you feel when you finally got in?

 Bro Akomolafe Johnson: Okay... I finished my secondary school 2015, before I graduated from high school, I had already obtained jamb using awaiting result… I chose Business Administration and I had 201 then, so when my waec result was released, I had 5 credit including mathematics and English but didn't have Economics... All commercial department in my school had D7 in economics except a lady in my department who had C6 In economics. So because of that my PUBLIC SCHOOL weac got wasted. I had to re-sit for another waec in a private school the coming year and I had all my subjects cleared....

So, I wrote another JAMB again I chose Business administration again, university of Ilorin again...But wasn't offered admission. But kwara poly did and they changed my course to Marketing...That was how I became a student of Kwara State Polytechnics.

 While I was in Kwara state polytechnics, ND 1 going to ND2, I obtained a jamb form again while still schooling with my food stuff money...And I had 225.  I did their post utme and I had 50% but I wasn't offered admission.. But I said it to myself, that despite all this, I will still apply after my National Diploma  as DIRECT I did after my INDUSTRIAL TRAINING program and also obtained HND as well..

To the glory of God, I was offered both ADMISSION on the 10 of October, 2019 KWARA STATE POLYTECHNICS HND Admission and on the 15 of October, 2019 UNIVERSITY of ILORIN admission peep into my phone. I had no choice than to accept the two admission and paid for the acceptance fee for both...

Interviewer: Was there any point during this wait that you felt like giving up on University education?

 Bro Akomolafe Johnson: I almost give up... Because, there was a time I was having issue with my Gmail. While registering for my DE. We were told by the jamb officials and CBT attendant that we must not use the Gmail that we might have used in the previous jamb.. We were told to create another Gmail for it. So I didn't listen to them, I used the Gmail that has been used in 2017..

So when university of Ilorin wanted to start her admission processing, I started having issue with my JAMB CAPS... Firstly, my O-LEVEL didn't show up on my jamb portal. So, I went to CBT to delete the previous one and re-uploaded another O-LEVEL. They told me after 24 hrs it will reflect, after 24 hrs nothing reflected... So I had to go back the next 2 days, to lay complaint. So they deleted the old one again and uploaded another new one.. To God be the glory, it reflected after 24hrs. After this issue, another one popped up again. That was the most hectic one and unbearable one. This one was even beyond the power of CBT... it got to an extent, I was told not to come to CBT again that it can only be resolved at the JAMB OFFICE, IKOYI..

This was because of the GMAIL I used. 

So I left home around 6am and got to IKOYI around 9am to lay my complain, so when I got there in the morning... But they didn't do anything...all they said was that I should compose a message and send it to jamb support system on my jamb CAPS... If they will resolve it...if not, I should go to their headquarters at ABUJA. So this was how I resolved the issue, after sending the messages to JAMB SUPPORT SYSTEM for like 3 times and each time took 48hrs before they could respond to me. But later I was cleared and problem solved...I got my admission 7 days after. 

Interviewer: What if you are not currently studying this course you are studying, what course would you rather be studying?

Bro Akomolafe Johnson: Business Administration. 

Interviewer: So, are you single in the Lord or Single and searching or engaged or maybe married?

Bro Akomolafe Johnson: Currently, I'm single but will be searching soon.

Interviewer: Awwwnn…  Give us a brief detail of your educational background. (Primary & Secondary.)

 Bro Akomolafe Johnson: I'm a government pikin. Right from my primary school, I schooled at Ikotun community primary school and even in my high school...Igando community high school and later schooling at the higher institution still its government school.

 Interviewer: Were you a prefect in school? You look like someone perfect for head boy.

 Bro Akomolafe Johnson: No, ma'am. They chose randomly. Head boy from the science department but decided not to join the prefect ma'am.

Interviewer: Asides being a fine brother in the Lord, what other activities are your hobbies?

Bro Akomolafe Johnson: Making research online about technology.

Interviewer: Share your experience as a child? 

 Bro Akomolafe Johnson: I'm a person that love technology right from my childhood. I do many things that has to do with technology. Doing a remote control car, construction of Plank boriss car. I love repairing electronics and it has been part of me till date.That's my childhood experience o

Interviewer: What department do you belong to at church and are you currently holding any position?

Bro Akomolafe Johnson: Just recently joined DECORATING DEPARTMENT and TECHNICAL DEPARTMENT. I’m not holding any post, ma'am.. Because I'm just a newbie.

Interviewer: Do you have a side hustle or work asides schooling? If yes, would you mind telling us about it and how you started.

 Bro Akomolafe Johnson: Yes... I'm into many job. I didn't learn it but just gifted. I sew cloth, I do shoe, I repair things, I do photo frame, I paint, I do electrical works, electrician to be precise and many more.

 Interviewer: How are you able to juggle School, Fellowship with God, positions at school/church and business? That is a lot for anyone to handle. Can you share actionable tips on how you were able to work everything out without one affecting the other?

 Bro Akomolafe Johnson: I hold no position in the school as well as in the church, but always attending church programs like I'm holding a post. There's always time for everything. Time for God's work will not affect time for school activities and social activities as well... Understanding of time matters, it will definitely figure out how you will use it.

Interviewer: What day do you consider the best and worst day of your life?

 Bro Akomolafe Johnson: When I was caught in the examination hall teaching someone who was in HND1 when I was in ND1. I was just solving the work on my script and I was caught showing him what I solved. So they sent both of us out, meanwhile, still answered 1 and half questions out of 4 from my Exam questions. The supervisor even had mercy on us, he said we should've fill malpractice form for us. So I thought I would carry the course, but later I did not... That's was my worst day ever...

While my good day was when I graduated with distinction in my ND days and also became the best graduating student in marketing department for the year 2017/2018.

Interviewer: Would you like to share your Christian experience?

 Bro Akomolafe Johnson: Actually, I'm a CAC member right from home and my parent has trained us in line with Christ.  I only go to church, pray and return home, this was what I did throughout my days in school. But because I'm devoted to God's work, going to church and other things. I was chosen as coordinator of my morning devotion at my hostel arena at Kwarapoly. I started doing the work of God from here and love doing it.

Interviewer: If I ask you to give a shout-out now to people who have influence your journey in Life greatly, who and who would you give a shout-out to

 Bro Akomolafe Johnson: To my parent, who has offered me an unfathomable investment. And my to my brother who has helped me in my academic life as well. As well as my mentor...

Interviewer: Who are those you consider your closest pals at Hallelujah Chapel? People you would miss too when you graduate from here

Bro Akomolafe Johnson: Everybody is my closest pal o. But to reduce it to the barest minimum, Sis Olaide, Sis Temitope, Bro Timothy, Bro Tobi, Bro Emmanuel etc.

 To those I will miss now, Bro Seun, Sis Debby, Sis Mercy, Bro Vic and others 

Interviewer: What would be your advice to non-believers?

Bro Akomolafe Johnson: My advice to the unbelievers is that, they should repent from their sinful ways. And accept Christ as their Lord and their personal savior. Because, no one knows when the trumpet shall sound And there's joy in serving God.

Interviewer: With the rise of false pastors and funny doctrines, what would you advise believers?

 Bro Akomolafe Johnson: They should be prayerful and not be deceived by anyone. They will know the fake pastors by their doings. But they should be prayerful, I believe God will lead them through..

Interviewer: What is your favorite Bible verse and why do you like this verse?

 Bro Akomolafe Johnson: Proverb 3: 5-6. Because it's telling us not to lean on our own understanding. Because many people do not put God in what they do and they always brag that they can do it on their own.

Interviewer: What was your first impression of Halleluyah Chapel? Is that impression still intact till now?

Bro Akomolafe Johnson: CAC hallelujah chapel is a Possibility Church whereby, we pray vigorously and the advice being given by Dad is much more important to me...And it has been helping me till today. 

Interviewer: Describe daddy Ajiroba in 3 words.

 Bro Akomolafe Johnson: He's a father. He's a mentor. He's a pastor.

Interviewer: Do you have a mentor? Who is this person and why did you choose the person as a mentor?

Bro Akomolafe Johnson: For now, God is my mentor o.

 Interviewer: After University Education, what's next?

Bro Akomolafe Johnson: To establish myself first. And if any lucrative white collar job comes up, then I will go for it...

Interviewer: God will see you through. So, with that we have come to the end of the interview. Thank you so much for being here with us. We appreciate your time.

Bro Akomolafe Johnson: It's my pleasure to always respond to your call, ma'am. sThank you for having me tonight, ma'am..


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