Interview With Oluwadare Oloruntoba

Interviewer: Can we meet you?

Bro Oloruntoba Oluwadare: My name is Oluwadare ỌLỌRUNTỌBA Abraham. 

Interviewer: Where are you from and what is your course of study?

Bro Oloruntoba Oluwadare: I’m from Osun state. I am studying Agriculture, 500L.

Interviewer: Was Agriculture your first choice?

Bro Oloruntoba Oluwadare: No ma, I chose to study medicine and surgery and had 268 in Jamb.

Interviewer: Would you mind sharing your admission story with us? Was it your first Jamb and how did you feel when you finally got in?

 Bro Oloruntoba Oluwadare: No it wasn't my first, I finished secondary school in 2015 and got admitted in 2018 January (2017 admission but late). I wrote Jamb twice first was 246 and the last 268.  I chose Medicine and surgery but had 68 in Post Jamb. I already gave up but suddenly a friend I met on Facebook told me one night they are still giving admission, I gave her my details she logged on and gave me the news.  I was sad because it was Agric at first and because it was late but glory be to God, I fell in love with my course in my 200Level. 

Interviewer: Was there any point during this wait that you felt like giving up on University education?

 Bro Oloruntoba Oluwadare: The year I got in, my friends have been offered admission before me, that broke me down because people with lower scores got admitted, so I was having it in mind that time that I'll probably give up and face my career. 

Interviewer: If I may ask,which career sir

Bro Oloruntoba Oluwadare: Music career

Interviewer: So, are you single in the Lord or Single and searching or engaged or maybe married?

 Bro Oloruntoba Oluwadare: Single and Single and maybe searching.

Interviewer: Give us a brief detail of your educational background. Primary & Secondary.

 Bro Oloruntoba Oluwadare: I attended Marvelous Nursery and Primary School Oke Ola, Oro, Kwara State. And Attended two different secondary schools... Christian Comprehensive High School and later Oro Grammar School where I had my certificate. 

Interviewer: Were you a prefect in school? You look like someone perfect for headboy or social prefect.

 Bro Oloruntoba Oluwadare: My primary school,  I do go to school late. It was said to my face by our headmistress that, that was why I wasn't appointed the head boy. But that time I too stubborn, dirty and always late☹️.

My secondary school, God knows the best, I left my school when it was time to select prefect from my set but I left to another school due to pressure from home... I do represent my school in debate and quiz competitions so I was sure I'd be a notable prefect but I think it was assigned for me.

Interviewer: Asides being a fine brother in the Lord, what other activities are your hobbies?

 Bro Oloruntoba Oluwadare: Listening to music, playing and watching football, travelling to places, meeting new people, Singing and music and music. 

Interviewer: Share your experience as a child? 

 Bro Oloruntoba Oluwadare: As a child, I was so stubborn, I was hardworking do hawk back then. My routine was Church, (was a choir as well as a brigade). . Well as a child things were better, no thoughts no problem just living your life being innocent. As I grow up things changed. Also, as a child people liked me because I was brilliant and maybe talented.

Interviewer: What department do you belong to at church and are you currently holding any position?

 Bro Oloruntoba Oluwadare: Ushering department. No position by the grace of God.

Interviewer: Do you have a side hustle or work asides schooling? If yes, would you mind telling us about it and how you started?

Bro Oloruntoba Oluwadare: Apart from school, My career music and apprentice in aluminium works, started during the late 2020 lockdown.. I started my Music career in the church when I was a kid, continued as an Artiste in my secondary school and recorded my first track in 2015.

Interviewer: How are you able to juggle School, fellowship with God, positions at school/church and business? That is a lot for anyone to handle. Can you share actionable tips on how you were able to work everything out without one affecting the other?

Bro Oloruntoba Oluwadare: Well to be honest, it's been affecting each other I still go to church services late obviously.  Affecting my career because when I'm in school I almost forget about my career. I believe life is step by step and that this current step is basically education and others might just be a miniature. Though I can't leave one for the other, with the help of God I'm coping though they all affect themselves but slow and steady I believe I'll win the race.

Interviewer: What day do you consider the best and worst day of your life?

 Bro Oloruntoba Oluwadare: My best day is yet to come because I have a real life purpose and I hope I get there.  Worse day.... Maybe days I lost Music contests in competitions that's what I could remember ma. 

Interviewer: I must say that I am fascinated by your personality. What if you are not currently studying this course you are studying, what course would you rather be studying?

 Bro Oloruntoba Oluwadare: 😁Thank you. Most probably Music I think. I was even planning Music school before I later got admitted.

Interviewer: After University Education, what's next?

 Bro Oloruntoba Oluwadare: Career fully.  I'd love to further my education though but I really hope I'll be able to cope. 

Interviewer: How did you become an HC member?

 Bro Oloruntoba Oluwadare: Simply through my brother. 

Interviewer: Who are those you consider your closest pals at Hallelujah Chapel? People you would miss too when you graduate from here

Bro Oloruntoba Oluwadare: My pals.. Adebowale Samuel, Olamilekan Omo woli, Oroyimika David, Okolo John to a little extent.  I've got quite some friends in the choir and of course Miss Jeariogbe Esther. Well I'll miss the church at large to keep it as short as possible

Interviewer: What would be your advice to non-believers?

Bro Oloruntoba Oluwadare: Well I'm a believer of course. I'll advise to put God first and believe in him despite life odds. 

Interviewer: With the rise of false pastors and funny doctrines, what would you advice believers

 Bro Oloruntoba Oluwadare: Well I grew up in a church of doctrine (C&S). I believe if you know your God and stand firm you won't give in to false pastors and doctrines especially in this new age.

Interviewer: What is your favorite Bible verse and why do you like this verse?

 Bro Oloruntoba Oluwadare: Psalms 51, 24 and 30 are my close friends. Then Jeremiah 20:11.

Interviewer: Why do you like them?

 Bro Oloruntoba Oluwadare: The pslams.. right from my young age we do recite them every Sunday and I was fortunate enough to lead services back then so they became part of me consequently. Jeremiah 20:11, gives me assurance that the Lord is with me. 

Interviewer: What was your first impression of Halleluyah Chapel? Is that impression still intact till now?

Bro Oloruntoba Oluwadare: Well.. impressions .. I've loved the church in all ways sha.. Daddy likes me he do call my name every Sunday service then so the church became home for me.

Interviewer: Do you have a mentor? Who is this person and why did you choose the person as a mentor?

 Bro Oloruntoba Oluwadare: Ma, do you mean mentor in church or just generally?

Interviewer: Generally

Bro Oloruntoba Oluwadare: Well, career wise, I see Ayo Balogun fondly known Wizkid.. He's talented and successful, he inspires me back then. But now I'm building myself to become people's mentor. I don't remember any other person being my mentor.

Interviewer: Describe daddy Ajiroba in 3 words.

 Bro Oloruntoba Oluwadare: Father to all, Discipline and Focus(ed)

Interviewer: Would you like to share your Christian experience?

Bro Oloruntoba Oluwadare: Being a Christian has helped me build my career, if I wasn't a Christian I wouldn't have started singing in church. I see Christianity as a lifestyle because I am not a religious person. And God has been helping even though man may be rough around the edges sometimes. But Wow! God is glorious

Interviewer: So, with that we have come to the end of the interview. Thank you so much for being here with us. We appreciate your time.


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