Interview with Bro Tobi Daramola

Interviewer: Hello, can we meet you?

Bro Daramola Tobiloba: Well, Thanks for the privilege once again. I am Daramola Tobi. I am from Osun state, LGA Atakumosa west, a final year student of Unilorin.

Interviewer: Wow. I'm from Osun state as well. What course did you choose initially?

Bro Daramola Tobiloba: Well, I choose Computer Science. I had a passion for that course but the jamb cut-off marks messed things up, so I had to look for a better course, and boom Quantity Surveying was the legit one I found myself in.

Interviewer: Would you mind sharing your admission story with us? Was it your first Jamb and how did you feel when you finally got in?

Bro Daramola Tobiloba: About this, it's God Grace, cause I'm the only one in our house that did jamb once and got admission at once as well. Though my admission was really funny, because throughout my jamb preparation, Oluwatobiloba no read anything, I just don't know how I got that cut off mark though(Laughs mischievously)

Interviewer: Glory to Jesus. So, are you single in the Lord or Single and searching or engaged or maybe married?

Bro Daramola Tobiloba: I am not engaged, and I am not single either. I am also confused in that aspect. 

Interviewer: I think I understand. Give us a brief detail of your educational background. Primary & Secondary.

Bro Daramola Tobiloba: I had my Primary school education at God's Favor Primary school, very close to Ilorin International Airport while my secondary school education was at Gold's Academy, Adam, Ilorin. 

Interviewer: Were you a prefect in school? You look like someone prefect for the position of the head boy.

Bro Daramola Tobiloba: Emi ke... Prefect indeed, you sef know say I no fit be perfect in either my primary/or secondary days. 

Interviewer: Oh... I guessed wrong.  Aside from being a fine brother in the Lord, what other activities are your hobbies?

Bro Daramola Tobiloba: Hobbies...Well, I love playing piano and love my handwork as well, and love going to parties

Interviewer: Share your experience as a child? 

Bro Daramola Tobiloba: Hmmmm.... Long story, well it's really a great experience, but mehn, guy reach some certain age and I discover life no be  joke, and about me, I am known to be a gentle & troublesome guy, depending on the vibes people bring

Interviewer: What department do you belong to at church and are you currently holding any position?

Bro Daramola Tobiloba: No, I am not holding any position, but I am a member of two departments: The press Unit and the Technical unit

Interviewer:  Do you have a side hustle or work besides schooling? If yes,would you mind telling us about it and how you started.

Bro Daramola Tobiloba:  Well, like I said earlier, I am into Footwear's business, I actually started when I was in 200level, and the main stuffs that trigger me was that I really need money and as a guy there is limit I can ask my parents, so man has to hustle

Interviewer: How are you able to juggle School, Fellowship with God, Positions at school/church and business? That is a lot for anyone to handle. Can you share actionable tips on how you were able to work everything out without one affecting the other.

Bro Daramola Tobiloba: Mehn, it doesn't really affect each other because I was able to manage all together.

Interviewer: What day do you consider the best and worst day of your life?

Bro Daramola Tobiloba: Let me start from the worst day.... Hmmm, the day I had an injury and I had to spend a whole year at Hospital. Whenever I remember that day, it still hurts me, but I have to move on, and about the best day, of course, the day I got admission, I was so happy. 

Interviewer: I must say that I am fascinated by your personality. What if you are not currently studying this course you are studying, what course would you rather be studying?

Bro Daramola Tobiloba: Hmmm, perhaps I will be in Agric department, I intends to do change of course back then to Telecommunication Science when cut off mark ruined my chances  with Computer Science but I also had issue with that as well

Interviewer: After University Education, what's next?

Bro Daramola Tobiloba: Make God make it possible Sha, am definitely going next for our professional course about my field

Interviewer: If I ask you to give a shout-out now to people who have influenced your journey in Life greatly, who and who would you give a shout-out to

Bro Daramola Tobiloba:  Omolola & Akin... These 2 people mehn they are 💯💯, and one person as well Bagbansoro

Interviewer: Who are those you consider your closest pals at Hallelujah Chapel? People you would miss too when you graduate from here.

Bro Daramola Tobiloba: I no fit miss anyone o, those people I really miss are still Omolola & Akin because I am not too close with people in church presently

Interviewer: What would be your advice to non-believers?

Bro Daramola Tobiloba: Hmmm.... They actually need to know God. They are missing out on a lot.  All I could just say is they should give their heart to God, that's the surest plug.

Interviewer: With the rise of false pastors and funny doctrines, what would you advice believers

Bro Daramola Tobiloba: Like I do say, I don't believe all these things should actually freak us, if truly we are believers, I think we should be able to understand more of what the word of God is, so falling for those false pastors and all, should not actually be something we find ourselves in.

Interviewer: What is your favorite Bible verse and why do you like this verse?

Bro Daramola Tobiloba: verse, do I really have one. Seriously, I don't have an answer for this

Interviewer:  What was your first impression of Halleluyah Chapel? Is that impression still intact till now?

Bro Daramola Tobiloba: To be honest, my first impression was not good. I had plans of leaving the church before, if not for Prof Dominic, I would have left. But seriously, Halleluyah chapel is a nice church especially church meant for people like me.

Interviewer: Describe daddy Ajiroba in 3 words.

 Bro Daramola Tobiloba: He's a father, Mentor and person role model

Interviewer : Do you have a mentor? Who is this person and why did you choose the person as a mentor?

Bro Daramola Tobiloba: His name is Bagbansoro, and the main reason I choose him was that, he's a scholar back then during his undergraduates and he actually impact alot in my life pertaining to my studies


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