Interview with Sis Olajubu Oluwaseun

Interviewer: We're glad to have you here.

Sis Olajubu Oluwaseun: Good evening ma’am. I’m also glad for this great opportunity.

Interviewer: So, can we meet you?

Sis Olajubu Oluwaseun: My name is Olajubu Oluwaseun mary. A 400level student, from the mother of all faculty, ‘Education ‘.

Interviewer: What state are you from ma?

Sis Olajubu Oluwaseun: Ekiti state.

Interviewer: What's your course of study?

Sis Olajubu Oluwaseun: Yoruba education.

Interviewer: What course did you choose initially?

Sis Olajubu Oluwaseun: Yoruba education

Interviewer: Would you mind sharing your admission story with us? Was it your first Jamb and how did you feel when you finally got in?

Sis Olajubu Oluwaseun: Firstly, it is not by my power nor by might  but with the help of God I wrote my jamb once and I came out well. Sincerely, I couldn’t belief it was real until I started lectures, I felt so happy and fulfilling but then I saw it as a starting point not my last bus stop. 

Interviewer: I must say that I am fascinated by your personality. What if you are not currently studying this course you are studying, what course would you rather be studying?

Sis Olajubu Oluwaseun: Performing Art.

Interviewer: So, are you single in the Lord or Single and searching or engaged or maybe married?

Sis Olajubu Oluwaseun: Smiles. I am engaged.

Interviewer: Give us a brief detail of your educational background. Primary & Secondary.

Sis Olajubu Oluwaseun: Well as every other child I started from pry 1 and you know got to SS3.  Right from the scratch I do not know how i was able to cope because it hasn’t been easy ,the fact that I attended a public school kind of made it a hard  to crack but all thanks to God here I am today ,I got there ,passed through, saw and I conquer.  

 Interviewer: What's the name of the schools you attended?

Sis Olajubu Oluwaseun: I attended glory of God nursery and primary school, Community Junior High School, and District Senior Secondary School. 

 Interviewer: Were you a prefect in school? You look like someone perfect for a headgirl.

Sis Olajubu Oluwaseun: Ahhhhh!!!! No, I was never a prefect throughout my school days. 

Interviewer: Asides being a fine sister in the Lord, what other activities are your hobbies?

Sis Olajubu Oluwaseun: I am a hair stylist, I love singing, cooking, and been in my space. 

Interviewer: Share your experience as a child. 

Sis Olajubu Oluwaseun: Mmmmm, being a child for me was the best thing that could ever happen to anyone, as a child that I did some things that landed me in trouble for instance disobeying just because you know it kind of pleases me. I realized the moment any child could get the full attention of his or her parent is when he or she is a child. Childhood was awesome for me I must say.

Interviewer: What department do you belong to at church and are you currently holding any position?

Sis Olajubu Oluwaseun: Ushering department and prayer band unit. No.

Interviewer: Do you have a side hustle or work asides schooling? If yes, would you mind telling us about it and how you started?

Sis Olajubu Oluwaseun: Like I said earlier I am an hairstylist (hairdresser ), I started learning it when I was on this long JSS3  holiday, I stopped learning when I gained admission into university of Ilorin. It’s not easy I must say, I often make students hair but most times I can’t just make up to expectation because of school activities and classes but then I do manage and I am able to cope. 

Interviewer: Would you like to share your Christian experience?

Sis Olajubu Oluwaseun: Aside from the fact that my parents are ministers of God. I just have this strong belief in this Father (God) ,I accepted Him into my life ever since I was young and trust me the lord has been so good to me I can say it anywhere. 

Interviewer: How are you able to juggle School, Fellowship with God, positions at school/church and business? That is a lot for anyone to handle. Can you share actionable tips on how you were able to work everything out without one affecting the other?. 

Sis Olajubu Oluwaseun: Humanly it’s not easy. I wouldn’t deceive you but it takes someone determined and focused to cope with all at a time. Most times I do get tired but then I always tell myself why I have to do it. I never gave in to weariness. I do pray to God to make it easy and He has been helping. 

Interviewer: What is your favorite Bible verse and why do you like this verse?

Sis Olajubu Oluwaseun: John 3:16  ‘for God so love the world that He gave us His only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life’. This verse teaches me to love regardless not minding the circumstances surrounded I believe love is everything.

Interviewer: What would be your advice to non-believers?

Sis Olajubu Oluwaseun: Not to give up on the second coming of Christ and to always look unto him as the author and the finisher of their faith. 

Interviewer: With the rise of false pastors and funny doctrines, what would you advise believers?

Sis Olajubu Oluwaseun: No matter the challenges, no matter how hard or tough, God is the hope for the hopeless, home for the homeless and help in times of need, He is the best thing that could happen to any believer. I would advise believers to move closer to GOD in place of prayer and also ask for the spirit of discernment so as not to be misled by false prophesy. 

Interviewer: How did you become a member of CAC HALL CHAPEL?

Sis Olajubu Oluwaseun: Ever since I got to Ilorin my heart has yearned to attend CAC but then I couldn’t figure any out, but on this faithful day sister Megbowon Justina and some other people came for evangelism in my hostel and I got the tract. I followed her to church the next Sunday and up till date I am a member. 

Interviewer: What was your first impression of Halleluyah Chapel? Is that impression still intact till now?

Sis Olajubu Oluwaseun: I never ever wanted to return to CAC Halleluyah chapel because I didn’t like the way Daddy addressed me the first day but I later discovered it was out of all and I got to know better.

Interviewer: Describe daddy Ajiroba in 3 words.

Sis Olajubu Oluwaseun: He is a disciplinarian, God fearing and accommodating.

Interviewer: Do you have a mentor? Who is this person and why did you choose the person as a mentor?

Sis Olajubu Oluwaseun: God is my mentor, no perfection in human. 

Interviewer: If I ask you to give a shout-out now to people who have influenced your journey in Life greatly, who and who would you give a shout-out to? Not necessarily people from Hall Chapel. 

Sis Olajubu Oluwaseun: God and my parents. 

Interviewer: Who are those you consider your closest pals at Hallelujah Chapel? People you would miss too when you graduate from here. 

Sis Olajubu Oluwaseun: Tolani Motolani, Ibukun, Pastor M.b Ajiroba, Ushering unit members at large, Halleluyah voices generally and Sis Tope HC. 

Interviewer: What day do you consider the best and worst day of your life?

Sis Olajubu Oluwaseun: The worst day of my life was the day I got my100level first semester result but glory to God, the best day of my life was the day I gave myself to God and surrendered my life to Christ. 

Interviewer: After University Education, what's next?

Sis Olajubu Oluwaseun: Want to expand my business, with God helping me.

Interviewer: So, with that we have come to the end of the interview. Thank you so much for being here with us. We appreciate your time.


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