Interview with Bro John Okolo

Interviewer: You are welcome here.

Bro John Okolo: Good evening Ma.

Interviewer : Can we meet you?

Bro John Okolo : My names are Okolo John Ayangheso, I'm a final year student of the prestigious institution University of Ilorin, in the Faculty of Engineeering and Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering.

Interviewer: What course did you choose initially?

Bro John Okolo: Computer Science.

Interviewer: Wow, quite a transition. Would you mind sharing your admission story with us? Was it your first Jamb and how did you feel when you finally got in?

Bro John Okolo: I was admitted through the preliminary studies, there I chose computer science as first choice, and Materials and Metallurgical Engineering as 2nd choice. Concerning the admission aspect, it was an herculean task for me before I was being admitted into the institution.  It wasn't my first Jamb, nor second and those times I was choosing computer science. It wasn't that easy. When I got my admission, I felt like a normal person, though I was excited about it

Interviewer: Was there any point you almost gave up on the admission? Or give up on going to school altogether?

Bro John Okolo: There haven't been anytime I had such feelings...

Interviewer: I must say that I am fascinated by your personality. What if you are not currently studying this course you are studying, what course would you rather be studying?

Bro John Okolo: You know I told you that I wanted to study computer Science... But I am studying Materials Engineering. I'm very glad I didn't study computer science even though I had so much interest in it. So any course that come as long as I'm the best, that the goal.

Interviewer: So, are you single in the Lord or Single and searching or engaged or maybe married?

Bro John Okolo: For now I'm single and I'm not searching... The best thing I can be to anyone is just being best of friends and nothing more.  But I'm making moves to change the perception.

Interviewer: We hope this happens soonest.  Give us a brief detail of your educational background. Primary & Secondary.

Bro John Okolo: Yeah. For my primary education, I attended Rick Unique Children School from my nursery to primary 5. Primary was lovely because I had chances to participate in drama, school parties and I had the opportunity to beat the drum during assemblies then. Academically I was good, I had double promotion then and I love my teachers, in person of Uncle Gabriel, Aunt blessing and Aunty Comfort, they are really great teachers. So for my secondary Education, due to change in residential Location, I couldn't continue in Lagos because we move to my parent home in Ogun State, so there was a change in School. I attended Ajogbo Grammar School, I was so playful in School, before I knew what's going on, I had become the opposite of who I was in Primary School, but I was still a bright student. My grades dropped and I thank God, I graduated. 

Interviewer: Were you a prefect in school? You look like someone perfect for social prefect?

Bro John Okolo: Yeah, I was.  I was the Head boy at primary school, the Water prefect at junior school And Tech prefect at senior school. 

Interviewer: Asides being a fine brother in the Lord, what other activities are your hobbies?

Bro John Okolo: I Love Reading, Playing the Saxophone, Writing Codes and listening to music

Interviewer: Share your experience as a child? 

Bro John Okolo: Growing up was lovely, as the 2nd child among 5 children, growing up was lovely for me because then I got everything I asked for. I had different friends from the street, but a bit sha because my parent confined us, due to the nature of environment we stay, but we were mostly engaged in Church, Jehovah witness guys and School...

Interviewer: Sounds like an interesting childhood. What department do you belong to at church and are you currently holding any position?

Bro John Okolo: I'm a church member.

Interviewer: Do you have a side hustle or work asides schooling? If yes, would you mind telling us about it and how you started?.

Bro John Okolo: I have side hustles. I have a poultry farm and I also have gas outlet.

Interviewer: How are you able to juggle School, Fellowship with God, positions at school/church and business? That is a lot for anyone to handle. Can you share actionable tips on how you were able to work everything out without one affecting the other.

Bro John Okolo: I set priority to everyone of them and give actions on them to the priority perception that was given to them. 

Interviewer: What day do you consider the best and worst day of your life?

Bro John Okolo: Everyday is always the best day... I don't have worst days. 

 Interviewer: After University Education, what's next?

Bro John Okolo: We are in Nigeria… What is God plan after my University Education, is what's next.

Interviewer: If I ask you to give a shout-out now to people who have influence your journey in Life greatly, who and who would you give a shout-out to?

Bro John Okolo: My Parents, my Church Board, Toyosi, Falemu Olumide, Big Bro, Dr Shuaib Babata and Engineer Ambali.

Interviewer: Who are those you consider your closest pals at Hallelujah Chapel? People you would miss too when you graduate from here.

Bro John Okolo: Patho, Juwon, Sister Shayo and Daddy Ajiroba. 

Interviewer: What would be your advice to non-believers?

Bro John Okolo: My advice to everyone there, both believers and non-believers, we are currently at the end time, let everyone watch and pray because those who think are believers may be at the verge of backsliding and the non believers, they need to experience God...

Interviewer: With the rise of false pastors and funny doctrines, what would you advice believers?

Bro John Okolo: Know God personally, have encounter with him and safeguard what you believe. You don't take everything in because they are consumables, most are detrimental, so put restrictions to you Christian life..

Interviewer: What is your favorite Bible verse and why do you like this verse?

Bro John Okolo: John 15:4 Abide in me and I in you as the branch cannot bear fruit on its own except if it abide in me.

This memory verse had kept me going since I was a kid in primary 4.  It was the verse I was given to recite in children anniversary at church back then, but it's been a part of my life.

Interviewer: What was your first impression of Halleluyah Chapel? Is that impression still intact till now?

Bro John Okolo: I don't know how to answer this well...Can we skip this please?

Interviewer: Describe daddy Ajiroba in 3 words.

Bro John Okolo: Daddy Cares, Daddy is a diligent man and Daddy loves the things of God.

Interviewer: Do you have a mentor? Who is this person and why did you choose the person as a mentor?

Bro John Okolo: Yes, I have.  It's my Dad. He's the only one that has what I see that can take me to any level I so desire..

Not finance. 

Interviewer: Would you like to share your Christian experience?

Bro John Okolo: God had help me so much and he's the best...its lovely knowing Christ.

Interviewer: So, with that we have come to the end of the interview. Thank you so much for being here with us. We appreciate your time. 

Bro John Okolo: Thanks so much. 


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