Interviewer: We're pleased to have you here.

 Bro Elijah Otunla: Good evening ma'am.  It's a pleasure to be here ma.

Interviewer: Can we meet you sir?

Bro Elijah Otunla: My name is Elijah Oluwafemi Otunla. I'm from Osun state, isudunrin LGA to be precise....

I'm a student of University of ilorin , From the department of Telecommunication science, Faculty of Communication and information science.

Interviewer: What course did you choose initially?

 Bro Elijah Otunla: Telecommunication science.

Interviewer: Would you mind sharing your admission story with us? Was it your first Jamb and how did you feel when you finally got in?

Bro Elijah Otunla: I actually did jamb three time..... My initial course at first was civil engineering but UNILORIN did not give me admission so the second jamb I did, I actually chose the course again but I had to do change of course to Telecommunication science but still I didn't get the admission..... For the third I tried again, then I chose telecommunication science straight and Glory be to God I got admitted. When I saw my admission status through the jamb cap I was really happy that finally I got after everything but before then I already had the assurance and the faith that I will get it. 

Interviewer: Was there any point during this wait that you felt like giving up on University education?

 Bro Elijah Otunla: Yes ma'am. Absolutely I even wanted to change my choice of school to OAU because I felt maybe I should try another school but I just decided to just try the last time if it will work and Glory to God. I felt like giving up on university education because I was tired of passing through all the jamb stress and everything but thank God for the kind of people that God placed around me.... They encouraged me and that helped me a lot. 

Interviewer: So, are you single in the Lord or Single and searching or engaged or maybe married?

 Bro Elijah Otunla: Tor… I'm single.

Interviewer: Give us a brief detail of your educational background - Primary & Secondary.

 Bro Elijah Otunla: I attended two primary schools and also two secondary schools. I did my primary school at Lambs Junior Nursery and Primary School, and supreme Nursery and Primary School.... While I attended Golden Step College at the secondary level and Epe Senior Grammar School.

Interviewer: Were you a prefect in school? You look like someone perfect for head boy.

Bro Elijah Otunla: Yes ma. From Primary School to Junior Secondary School level but not Senior Secondary because they are always flogging all prefects and I don’t like to be flogged🙈🙈.... So I had to leave it. 

Interviewer: Asides being a fine brother in the Lord, what other activities are your hobbies?

 Bro Elijah Otunla: I love singing, playing drums,  playing or watching football and I love meeting people.

Interviewer: What football club do you support?

Bro Elijah Otunla: I'm a Barcelona fan and I also like Chelsea.

Interviewer: Share your experience as a child? 😌

 Bro Elijah Otunla: Hmmmmmm… To start with, I'm the last born of my family..... So I actually enjoyed a lot at least… From childhood, I'm always a kind of person that plays and have fun wherever I get to, so it gave the opportunity to meet a lot of people around me and in my neighborhood..... I got popular that my friends will have to come to my house to drag me out so we can play but my Mom is a minister of God, so she doesn't allow me  to go out like that but me as a child nah.. I will always sneak out to play.  Growing up, I attended a boarding school, so it's from there I started getting use to staying away from my parents,  But my dad died when I was in SS2, it was somehow going on in life with just my mom and siblings but we thank God for where we are today and for where we are going.

Interviewer: What department do you belong to at church and are you currently holding any position?

 Bro Elijah Otunla: I'm in choir, prayer band, interpretation and technical department. I'm the General Secretary in choir and I'm also an executive in technical department. 

Interviewer: Do you have a side hustle or work asides schooling? If yes, would you mind telling us about it and how you started?

 Bro Elijah Otunla: Not really a side hustle like that ma but I get payed or appreciated from people when I do some course work in school for them and other things ma.

Interviewer: How are you able to juggle School, Fellowship with God, positions at school/church and business? That is a lot for anyone to handle. Can you share actionable tips on how you were able to work everything out without one affecting the other?

 Bro Elijah Otunla:  One thing I do is, I try to do everything once at a time..... Whatever thing I'm doing at a particular time, I see that I do them very well..... Although they are sometimes I will have to multi-tasks. 

Interviewer: Would you like to share your Christian experience?

 Bro Elijah Otunla:  I was born in a Christian home but I never took it serious although I had some gift like dreams etc but I just took it normal.... Not until 2016 I got the encounter from God when we were having a program at my church and the topic was on holy Spirit, and since then my life has changed, also my mindset. 

Interviewer: What is your favorite Bible verse and why do you like this verse?

Bro Elijah Otunla: Jeremiah 33 vs 3 “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not”.  I like it because the first time I came across it, it really hit me real deep.

Interviewer: What would be your advice to non-believers?

 Bro Elijah Otunla: My advice to non-believers is that everything that has to do with life in general is with God, so they should give God a try and see if all they want won't be provided, and that he is only way, truth and life. 

Interviewer: With the rise of false pastors and funny doctrines, what would you advice believers?

 Bro Elijah Otunla: To Build up their faith on the principle of God words and seek God’s face par time in other to know His will for them. 

Interviewer: How did you become a member of CAC Hallelujah Chapel?

 Bro Elijah Otunla: It was through my brother.... He was a youth leader of the church at his set, so linked me up with Bro. Paul Oyinloye and that was how I became a member of Hallelujah chapel.

Interviewer: What was your first impression of Halleluyah Chapel? Is that impression still intact till now?

 Bro Elijah Otunla: I was amazed because it was filled with youths. Yes it is.

Interviewer: Describe daddy Ajiroba in 3 words.

 Bro Elijah Otunla: An ever supportive father. A caring and loving father. A good mentor.

Interviewer: Who are those you consider your closest pals at Hallelujah Chapel? People you would miss too when you graduate from here.

 Bro Elijah Otunla: I will definitely miss everybody I must confess because I'm actually close with everyone one way or the other...My closet pals are much fah, is it from the graduating students to my level and even to other levels. If I start mentioning we will have a long list here fah.

Interviewer: Do you have a mentor? Who is this person and why did you choose the person as a mentor?

 Bro Elijah Otunla: Yes, Bro. Paul Oyinloye. Apart from the fact that he was my roommate, he is everything I can ever imagine myself becoming. Meeting him as really changed my life I must say.

Interviewer: If I ask you to give a shout-out now to people who have influence your journey in Life greatly, who and who would you give a shout-out to?

 Bro Elijah Otunla: I will give a shout out to Bro Paul, Bro Gideon, Bro. Lekan, daddy Ajiroba, mummy Dominic and lastly my sweet Mom.

Interviewer: What day do you consider the best and worst day of your life?

 Bro Elijah Otunla: Worse day of my life was the day I heard I lost my dad, it's was unbelievable. The best day of my life for now was the day I celebrated my tenth year birthday, it was classic meh. 

Interviewer: After University Education, what's next?

 Bro Elijah Otunla: I will love to further my education to Masters Level and even beyond. 

Interviewer: So, with that we have come to the end of the interview. Thank you so much for being here with us. We appreciate your time.

 Bro Elijah Otunla: Thanks for having me.  I really appreciate it a lot. 


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