One of the great gifts God gave to man is prayer. A gift that gives us access to our father. A means of communicating our desires to our father. Prayer is mankind exercising dominion over the earth by giving God the freedom to intervene in the earth’s affairs. It shows our total dependence on God. But where have we gotten it wrong?

 If Luke 18:1 can say “men ought always to pray, and not to faint", it shows the necessity of prayer in the life of a man. Today people find it hard to pray. Prayer is now tagged to be a time-consuming activity. Some people even say it is meant for ministers of God alone. Some might say let me use my time for something meaningful instead of praying. People now see prayer as a burden. Who has bewitched us?

Elijah, for instance, a human just like us, prayed hard that it wouldn’t rain, and it didn’t. Not a drop for three and a half years and then he prayed that it would rain, and it did. The showers came and everything started growing again. If a man can dictate what should happen in a whole kingdom in the place of prayer even when he was not a politician that means a prayer is a great tool for us.

Men try to find fault in Daniel's life but found nothing to use against him. Not until they use his prayer life against him by bringing up a decree that no man should pray or ask anything from any God or man except the king for thirty days otherwise he will be thrown into the den of lions. If such a scenario should happen in this current world now, some Christians will use it to justify their prayerlessness.

Luke 22:40-46 let us know that Jesus Christ our Lord prayed earnestly when he was about to be crucified to the extent that the sweat that came out of his body was like that of blood and this he did to receive strength all because of you and I, then justify yourself why you shouldn’t pray.  Time won’t permit me to analyze people in the Bible that gave themselves to prayer. Think of Jacob at Bethel, Jabez in 1 Chronicle 4:9-10, Cornelius in Act 10, the Apostles, and many more.

The only antidote for prayerlessness is prayer.

 Proverbs 24:10 says “if thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small.”  Strength is found in the place of prayer. Start now, it is the commandment of God. 

My friend, I will leave you with this analogy. A person that teaches is called a teacher, a person that drives is called a driver, and a person that acts is called an actor, which means a person that prays is called a PRAYER.  

Become a PRAYER.  



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