Encountering God (The Zacchaeus Story)

For My thoughts are not your thoughts nor are your ways My ways” says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts” Isa. 55:8-9 (NKJV)

Encounter means counter-acting collision between two persons which cause a change in the lives and direction of one of the person. It also means meeting face-to-face unexpectedly or suddenly.

Encounter is needed in our walk as believers as it would help us have a clean heart Jer. 17:9-10.  All those who became friends of God did not become so suddenly; they became so as a result of their encounter with God. God’s plans and ways are made known to a man within the circumference of an encounter.

Have I encountered God? This is the question every one of us as believers should always ask ourselves. Encounter is not just a one-time experience; it is a life-long experience. 

There are levels of our encounter with God; we have the saving/salvation encounter. This is the encounter many have as believers and this is the point many have stopped. Being saved is an encounter on its own Acts 9:3-6.

Then we have other levels of encounter. In our daily living, we need to always have an encounter with God. At every point of decision-making, God has to encounter us. Our progress in life is in our encounter with God. When God was to change Jacob’s name to Israel, He had to encounter him first. Every great men and women in the scriptures always had an encounter with God.

In essence, a genuine encounter addresses the inner need of a man. A real encounter will liberate a man from sin, release you from the past and brings us to the presence of God.

Our main focus today is on the Zacchaeus story and we will be looking out he encountered God and what the encounter achieved in his life.

We will be basing our focus on Luke 19:1-10.

In verse 2, we can note clearly who Zacchaeus was; a tax collector and a rich man.

In verse 3, he sought to see who Jesus was. This means that encounter will not come if there is no hunger for it. We have to ask for it; we have to thirst and hunger for it.

That same verse 3 says he could not. Why? Because of the crowd and his stature. The crowd makes it difficult for one to have an encounter. The consideration of what people say and react has hindered many from having an encounter. What we will lose in the world after having an encounter is another crowd we have to take note of; all these will always hinder encounter.

Then, we have short stature. Sin can make a man short Rom.3:23 says all have sinned and fall short of God’s glory. Falling short makes one unfit for an encounter. 

Verse 4, He ran and climbed a sycamore tree to see Him. We all need grace and lifting that raises men up for encounter. Having an encounter requires God’s grace so we have to pray constantly for the grace to have an encounter with God.

Verse 5, when Jesus came to the place he was, He looked up, called him by his name and asked him to come down. Encounter will only meet you at the place of waiting. We have to wait on God; when Jesus got to where he is, he looked up and called him.

He called him by his name. Encounter is always direct and confrontational; God will address every man at the point of encounter by his name. Look at Abraham when his name was to be changed, he called his name, Look at Lazarus when he was called out, his name was called. Every encounter is always direct.

Then, he told him to come down. To have an encounter with God, we have to come down. We have to be humble; we have to show that we are nothing not proud or puffed up. Zacchaeus had to come down to have an encounter with God.

Verse 6, he came down and received him joyfully. Every encounter will always come with Joy. Joy is divine; it comes from our encounter with God. Even when we fall, we will always rise because the Joy of the Lord is always our strength.

Verse 7, People complained. No man had an encounter with God and remained a friend of this world. The world will complain and murmur because becoming God’s friend makes you an enemy to this world.

Verse 8, Zaccheaus said he will give half of his goods to the poor and if he took anything falsely from anyone, he will restore fourfold. Encounter is a counter-acting collision. You become the opposite of who you are. If an encounter does not change you, then it isn’t an encounter. Encounter makes you live a better life for God.

Verse 9, Jesus said salvation came to Zaccheaus’ house because he is also a son of Abraham. This signifies that everyone and anyone can have an encounter. It is not only those who are Pastors or Ministers of God. Everyone can have an encounter; just desire it and you will get it.

Have you had an encounter with God? If No, then pray earnestly for one; it is what will redefine our Christian living. 

If Yes, can you point out one thing or things that your encounter with God has taken away from you? If nothing, then you have not encountered Him. Pray earnestly and God will reveal Himself. 

Encountering God will make us a living witness of His grace and achieving His purpose for our lives will be made easier.


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