Galatians 4:1-4, Luke 2:11, 1st Peter 5:7, Matthew 16:14-17

Who is Jesus?
Jesus is the son of God and the son of man, who was promised in the old testament as the saviour of mankind. He was born under the law so that everything said concerning him will be fulfilled.
He was born in a manger, he started his ministry at the age of (30) thirty and was fully known as the son of God when he went for baptism and the evidence was shown through a dove and the confession of John the Baptist (the forerunner)

During Jesus Christ's earthly ministry, his contemporaries thought that he was Elijah or john the baptist reincarnated. ( matt 16:14), while others claimed he was a false prophet ( Luke 7:39) and a friend of sinners.
Many worshipped and adored him, while the authorities hated him.
Despite these wearying views of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, God's word give us clear and eloquent descriptions of who he hie both past, present, and future scriptures explained that Jesus acting on behalf of his father is the creator of all things seen and unseen. 
Nothing was created or brought into existence without Jesus.
He is the author and finisher of our faith and the firstborn among the dead,  Jesus is the savior of mankind( Luke 2:11)

The redeemer and the lamp, healer, great physician of our minds and bodies. He is the giver and the sustainer of life; for he said "I am the bread of life".(john 6:35) and the only true vine.

Jesus brings us peace when problems come our way. He challenges us to cast all our cares on him, for he cares for us(1st peter 5:7).
He is the way the truth, and the life(john 14:6)
He is our lord and savior.

He is our master and teacher for he told us to follow him(matt 23:11)

This Nazarene is our best friend who sticks closer than a brother ( proverbs 18:24) and promises to be with us even unto the end of the world.

Therefore, when Jesus Christ worked on the earth, he was perfectly righteous, this speaks to two sides of his character. 
On the negative side, he was never flawed in thought, words, or deed. He is the only "perfect Term" who ever lived. All the rest of us have fallen far short of perfection, but not Jesus.
There was no sin outwardly because there was no sin inwardly, he was without fault, inwardly he was without fault and evil.
He made amazing claims and then backed them up with amazing deeds. 

Finally, Jesus Christ is our soon coming king, who will take us to be with him, where he is, we will be also.
Christ will come and will reign in righteousness upon this earth as king of kings and lord of lords.
He has an endless measure of joy, fellowship, and communion to give every believer for all eternity...



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