Acknowledging God; a means of getting direction

To acknowledge has various definition. Some of them are listed below
1. Admitting the knowledge of something or someone; recognizing it as a fact or truth; declaring one's belief in something or someone.
2. To be grateful of.
But for this article, we would be looking at acknowledging as expressing recognition of the rights, efforts or authority of someone.
What does it mean to direct?
In simple terms: point out or show (to somebody) the right course or way; to guide, as by pointing out the way.

You might be wondering, how do the definitions listed above relate with the topic? What significance do they have with the topic being explained? For better understanding, we go back to a verse in the Bible.

Proverbs 3vs6: in all your ways acknowledge Him (God), and He (God) will make your paths straight.

From the passage, we are made to understand that directions come when we acknowledge God. We will be shown the right path to walk in when we recognise the authority of God upon our lives. 
As Christians, we are not only meant to ask for directions when it seems like there is no way and the journey seems difficult but we ought to ask for directions from the beginning of the journey. 

A good example is King David in the Bible. When he wanted to begin a war against the Philistines, he asked God first. He didn't get to the battlefield before asking God what he should do (2Samuel 5).
Instructions come in the place of acknowledgement. 

The importance of trusting God even as we acknowledge him cannot be over emphasised. That's why the the preceding verse tells us first that we need to trust God. It's not possible for me to discuss my plans with someone I don't trust. Even if I do, adhering to advice from the person would be impossible because I don't trust him/her. 

We need to trust God with all of our hearts.  He has told us in his Word that he has good plans for us, all that remains is trusting him enough for him to fulfil them.

At first, what the end entails might not be clear but as we progress, it will become clearer. When the Israelites were to leave Egypt God didn't exactly tell them where He was leading them to, He only told them He was taking them to the land he has promised their father.

We must learn not to lean on our own understanding. Our limited knowledge will take us nowhere.  We ought to surrender our lives journey to He who knows the end from the beginning.

Finally Brethren, be reminded that you have a father who knows the end from the beginning so you should seek him first before making decisions so that he can give us the best direction we could ever ask for. 


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