"For we died and were buried with Christ by baptism. And just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glorious power of the Father, now we also may live new lives." Romans 6:4(ESV)
Man has been given a choice to live either of these two lives on earth: The life of the world which ends in death or The New Life in Christ which continues in eternity. 
New life in Christ or also called the Life of God was purposely bought and brought to us through the death and Ressurection of Christ Jesus, for as many as belief in Him will this life be given to live therein. It is characterized by the full nature of Christ which some of its expressions include but are not limited to:

A. Holiness (Holy Living) - New life is characterized by holiness which is void of sin and iniquity, consecrated only unto God to dwell in and for His use. 

B. Righteousness unto God and man - Another quality that characterizes the new life in Christ is righteousness as it brings it into light and full expression in our lives both unto God and in our dealings with men. Faithfulness and honesty being a natural expression of righteousness are expressed in abundance.

C. Leading by the Spirit of God - Rm. 8:14" For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. "  The new life is of Christ, in Christ, and can only be lived through Christ and this can only be done through His Spirit indwelling in us as the Spirit will always bring us into the consciousness of God in every one of our lives dealing and day to day living. This consciousness keeps us in Him and helps us from falling.

To have, live and experience this new life you have to be:
A. Born into it  - As being born proceed to live, to live this life you have to be born (become born again) into the baptism of death and Ressurection of the Lord Jesus Christ which is by faith not by physical death. It is by the faith of baptism into His death that we were resurrected into this new life. "We were buried therefore with Him by the baptism into death, so that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glorious [power] of the Father, so we too might [habitually] live and behave in newness of life." Rm. 6:4 (AMP). 
Without being born again it is impossible to live this new life, it is a matter of faith and acceptance of Christ's work not by work or church service. Are you born again? If Yes - Hallelujah if No - don't miss this opportunity to surrender your life to Christ and ask Him to give you this new life and If Not sure - don't miss this opportunity to give Him your life again and have the assurance of your salvation. 

B. Living by Christ's Power and His Spirit - After having this life we can not live it by our strength nor by human power if we want all the qualities of this life to be expressed in our lives and our lives to be free from struggle,  (struggle to live a holy life, struggle to live a Righteous life...) we have to give in to Christ  Spirit and His glorious power to allow this life to be lived through us, let the Holy Spirit take the lead. " that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the GLORIOUS [POWER] of the Father, so we too might [habitually] LIVE and behave in newness of life. (THROUGH HIS GLORIOUS POWER) " Romans 6:4 (AMP). Emphasis mine.

Brethren if you've been born again into this new life of Christ then continue living this new life by His Spirit and showing this life to others.
Be blessed.


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