Learning from Delilah

One of the most popular bible stories we heard growing up was the story of the powerful judge in Israel, Samson, and the woman who brought about his downfall, Delilah. Often when people want to make a bad example of a lady as a warning to men, they use Delilah as a case study. From the narration in the book of Judges, She was one of Samson's love interests. 

Delilah was a beautiful Philistine woman who was well-known for the role she played in taming Samson, the Nazirite with great powers and a real pain to the Philistines at the time. 

Following the story in Judges 16, we would notice in verse 5 that The Philistine Lords came to her and offered her great wealth if she were to discover the secret to her husband's strength. With that much amount of money up for grab, Delilah made it her life's goal to get Samson in the hands of the Philistines. 

This is the side of the story where we all skip to the end where Samson was finally captured. Between the verse where Delilah started on her goal till the verse was finalized, there was a key factor there that is present in you and me today but we barely take note of it. Our refusal to take note of this factor is the reason we barely get some results in areas of our life, especially spiritually. 

The key thing you can learn from Delilah is persistence and consistency.

Judges 16 showed us a story of a persistent woman who didn't stop until she got the reward she wanted. Taking a closer look at this story, you will see something common between Delilah and the poor widow mentioned in the parable of the unjust Judge in Luke 18. 

These two women have a persistent spirit in common and they both got results. 

Even though most of us prefer to focus on the fact that Delilah brought down Samson's downfall more than we focus on the persistent spirit she had. Learning Delilah's persistent spirit is simply a reminder for you to be persistent until you get a result. 

Looking at this from the perspective of a Christian hoping to explore more depth in the spirit realm, Luke18 verse 1 says "And he told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart." (ESV) 

As Christians, Consistency, and Persistence in the place of prayer and studying the word until we see results should be an act every one of us should harness. 

Pray until something happens just like Delilah didn't stop until she was able to loosen her people from the grip of Samson. 

In conclusion, just before you give up on that prayer point or study the word, remember that there was a woman who didn't stop until she got her result. 

Why then should you stop now when there is much more land to take over? 


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