The Earth today is a place full of pleasure, things that are attracted to the eye, and things an average individual cannot do without. Judging from the huge influence of technology in terms of sophisticated gadgets, and artificial intelligence, we can not deny that we need these things because they help in almost every facet of life, the place of power, money, influence, and top-notch fashion.  All these and many more the world has to offer mankind. 

However, as Christian, should we be ignorant of the Devil's devices?  Absolutely no.  The world truly has a lot to offer us but we must be wise and not let the devil take advantage of us

songs of Solomon 2:15a say “Take us the foxes, the little foxes that spoil the vines…”

 We should beware of little things that might cost us our LIFE. Nowadays, a lot of things we say like "it does not matter", " it is not bad", "that’s what is trending and in vogue in town" and many words like that all to justify our deeds and if anyone tries to correct us we tagged him as old schools, SU, too spiritual and the likes. Brethren, we must come to the understanding that Devil is not happy with us since the day we renounced him, so he will find all possible best to fight us back. 

Worldly songs are now the order of the day in Christian gatherings. Our love for indecent dressing is now second to none, all in the name of fashion.  Idle communication is rampant among Christians just because we want to feel among others. 

Although, it would be wrong to say that Technology is bad. It is also important for us to note that the distraction caused by this world of technology sometimes is not healthy for our spiritual life.

Just like Money is not the root of all evil but the Love of money is, so also is technology not bad but allowing technology to distract us from our gaze on Christ is bad.

 Let's look from this angle, our prayerlessness and not studying the word is something we should take a more critical look into. Truly we can pray congregational prayers and can quote some verses off-hand, all these are just for show. Devil is working overtime to kill, steal and destroy with this ignoramus act. Hence we say that we are very busy and fixed up but not fixed up to be on social media for hours without anything relevant. Don’t let us give any place to the Devil.

Hark the clarion call, we should beware of gaming with the Devil because he might hurt and caught us unaware. I leave us this final note from the book of Hebrews 12:1(Amplified) “Therefore then, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses {who have borne testimony to the Truth}, let us strip off and threw aside every encumbrance (unnecessary weight) and that sin which so readily (deftly and cleverly) cling to and entangles us, and let us run with patient endurance and steady and active persistence the appointed course of the race that is set before us”. BEWARE OF LITTLE FOXES THAT EASILY DESTROY THE VINE.

  Emmanuel Odunayo Sunday



  1. Hmmmm! A beautiful insight to munch on deeply. Thank you for this great piece.


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