FORGIVENESS: A way to receive forgiveness from God.

Forgiveness is a gift that a Christian must possess and be ready to freely give out at any time it is needed from him to others, either a fellow believer or an unbeliever. According to Webster Dictionary - Forgiveness means to cease to feel resentment against (an offender). With the above definition, we see that there's no forgiveness without forgetting, many Christians justify themselves by saying I can forgive but not forget, which means we didn't let go of the resentment but only deceived ourselves. Forgiveness is a matter of the heart because you can only resent someone in your heart and when offering our worship to God it must come from our heart, how do we now place the worship of our God in a heart full of resentment towards another person. During the teaching about Prayer, the Lord teaches us about forgiveness in prayer and its impact Matt. 6:12 "And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors". This shows that whenever we come to the presen...